Speed Reading Courses

Free speed reading courses

If you do not have the money to invest on a speed reading course or dedicated speed reading program, the Internet is a great place to find lots of free speed reading resources which you may find useful to developing this invaluable skill. Resources like this website can provide you with a start and the main benefit of free courses are that well... they are free!

With most free resources, the emphasis is on you and your motivation to self-learn this skill. Particularly as there will not be a financial attachment to seeing it through. So in short, if you do not have the drive and discipline to self-teach this skill, then you may not get much from a free speed reading course as you perhaps may do from a paid program.

Here are some free speed reading courses which you can get started with right now:

MrKent's Free Speed Reading course. Short and to-the-point speed reading method. You won't get much of an advance here, but it is a great starting point in free speed reading.

The Study Hall free Speed Reading Programs. Strangely difficult to read due to its intense bold font but comes with a plan to help you track your speed reading efforts.

Magic speed reading. This simple program acts as an also simple training exercises for speed reading.

All of these free resources are fine but you could be missing out of better paid programs. Deciding to develop your reading speed and comprehension can be a great investment in what could be a life-long skill. Here at myReadSpeed we do not endorse any particular program but the reason we believe it may be worthwhile investing the money if you have it, is that a commercial speed reading program often has more resources and interests to bring together better exercises, techniques and in explaining the process in a much better way.

Free speed reading courses are a great starting point and quite possibly be all that you need to dramatically increase your reading speed to a level which you are happy with, but if you have the money, it may be worth taking a look at commercial reading courses and investing in improving your skill if you feel it would significantly help your worklife or personal lifestyle.